Reach out through one of these methods to sign up for events. Want the steamHouse calendar added to your Google Calendar? Request it from
or sign up online below
Goatrunner's Season End Potluck
Goatrunner’s families gather for a season ending celebration and cleanup.
Potluck, too!
Goatrunner Robotics--Potential Tournament Weekends
Our Goatrunner LEGO Robotics team will be competing in a regional qualifier on a weekend (probably a Saturday) in pre-turkey day Thanksgiving. Watch here for the tournament schedules.
Gourd Gala
Celebrate the splendor of gourds with a festive evening of creativity, cuisine, and community.
Embrace a morning of Survivor-inspired challenges, treasure hunts, and communal feasting.
Goatrunner Robotics Starting Weekend
Join our FIRST LEGO League Robotics Team, the Goatrunners! Limited to 20 kiddos to be divided across four crews. 6+ three hour practices prior to our November tournament.
Hootenany & Pasture Camping
Enjoy a night of lively music and rustic camping under the stars.
Volunteer Sign-Up
Pluto Platter Huck Ruck Redux 2024
Disc golf three person best shot at steamHouse. We’ll assemble trios to best equalize team abilities. Trios must remain touching or connected by bungie cord. Newbie friendly event. We’ll start the morning with a potluck breakfast!
LEGO Robotics Camp
Students Capacity: 12 / Ages: 7-12 / M-F
Though open to non-team members, this is warm up for would-be Goatrunners robotics team that starts in August.
Bird and Flower Hike
Explore nature's beauty in a guided journey through bird habitats and blooming trails.
Volunteer Sign-up
Bark Beetle Niceties-steamHouse Summer Camp
Students Capacity: 10 / Ages: 7-12 / M-F
Art-Crafting with Heidi. Cosmology, Body & Brains; Woodworking & 3D Graphics; Photography & Graphics Editing with Brenton. Volunteer Adult Helpers Wanted.
Note: Bark Beetle Niceties is an Etsy shop run by Brenton’s wife and Romy’s mom, Heidi.
Happy Hatchday!
Aurelia turns 11! Breakfast potluck followed by seesawing with a hee haw, galloping with a goat, and then snuggles with a snake! We’ll see if Mo Goat still eats giant thistle! This year we welcome Jango and Lily to the party!
Family Movie Night-- "IF"
Join us to see “IF” —live action animated fantasy comedy with an ensemble cast. Specific time and theater TBD.
Bee and Seed Day
We’ll brunch potluck, then bee and seed! We’ve a couple kid-sized suits to put in a queen and new hive! Then we’ll plant some pumpkins and gourds to give away in fall—participants get their own seeds to try planting at home!
Volunteer Signup
Volunteer Needs and Opportunities
If you’d like to help out with any of our effective, reasonable and fun
events, please click below to see the full list of volunteer opportunities.